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ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ธีระศักดิ์ หุดากร Education: Contact Information: Research Area: วิศวกรรมพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์ (Solar Energy Engineering), เทคโนโลยีท่อความร้อน (Heat Pipe Technology), การอนุรักษ์พลังงานและการจัดการพลังงาน (Energy Conservation and Management), พลังงานทดแทน (Renewable Energy)
1. Sritrakul, N., Hudakorn, T. and Kaisangsri, P. (2021) "Effect of Internal Diameter and Working Fluids on Thermal Performance of a Vertical Closed-Loop Oscillating Heat Pipe with Double Heat Sources". Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences Vol. 82 Issue/No. 2 (June 2021). pages 120-126 2. Sritrakul, N., Hudakorn, T., (2020), "The economic value and satisfaction of substituting LPG in households by a biogas network: A case study of Bo Rae Subdistrict in Chai Nat Province Thailand." Energy Reports Volume 6 Issue/No. 2 (Febuary 2020). pp./page. 565-571 3. Hudakorn, T., Sritrakul, N., (2020), "Biogas and biomass pellet production from water hyacinth." Energy Reports Volume 6 Issue/No. 2 (Febuary 2020). pp./page. 532-538. 4. Hudakorn, T., and Sritrakul, N., (2015), “Thermal performance investigation of a trapezoid corrugated solar collector with internal baffles”, International Conference on Science, RMUTI Journal, Special Issue 1, pp./page. 133-138. ประเภทการประชุมวิชาการ 1. Sritrakul, N., Phetsong, S., Jaruyanon, P. and Hudakorn, T. (2021) "การใช้ประโยชน์ก๊าซชีวภาพสำหรับระบบสูบน้ำเพื่อการชลประทาน กรณีศึกษาชุมชนตำบลท่ามะนาว จังหวัดลพบุรี". การประชุมวิชาการเครือข่ายวิศวกรรมเครื่องกลแห่งประเทศไทย ครั้งที่ 35. จังหวัดนครปฐม ไทย. 20 กรกฎาคม 2564 - 22 กรกฎาคม 2564. หน้าที่ 962-970. 2. Hudakorn, T., KrirkKiatsakul, K., Jitrwung, R., Pattaweekongka, W. and Sirisattha, S. (2021) "Application of Biohydrogen by Reverse Water Gas Shift (RWGS) Reaction for Biomethanol Synthesis". 16th Asian Biohydrogen and Biorefinery Symposium (ABBS) & Sustainability Challenge 2021. Online Conference Malaysia. 15 December 2021 - 17 December 2021. pages 52-52. 3. Hudakorn, T., KrirkKiatsakul, K., Jitrwung, R., Pattaweekongka, W. and Sirisattha, S. (2021) "The Influence of Additions of Metal Oxide and Alkali Solution in Dark Fermentative Biohydrogen Production from Molasses. 16th Asian Biohydrogen and Biorefinery Symposium (ABBS) & Sustainability Challenge 2021". Online Conference Malaysia. 15 December 2021 - 17 December 2021. pages 30-30.\ 4. Somasri, P., Hudakorn, T., Phetsong, s., and Weerayuth, N., (2020), “The Monitoring System for the 5-kW Solar Pumping System” The International Conference on Engineering and Industrial Technology (ICEIT2020), September 11–13, 2020 . 5. Panthai, A., Hudakorn, T., and Kammuang-lue, N., (2020), “Effect of Inclination Angle on Thermal Performance of a Closed-Loop Oscillating Heat pipe with Double Heat Sources” The 12th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Well-Being (STISWB XII), 24 July 2020, Silpakorn University, Thailand. 6. Sritrakul, N., Hudakorn, T., and Khatisuk, M., (2019), "Effect of Particle Size on the Pellet Property of a Typha Angustifolia Pellet" The 11th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Well-Being (STISWB XI), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 29 July -1 August 2019, pp./page. 160-167. 7. Santhadkha, T., Hudakorn, T., and Sritrakul, N., (2019), "Effects of Evaporator Section Length and Number of Turns on Thermal Performance of a Rotating Closed-loop Oscillating Heat Pipe" The 11th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Well-Being (STISWB XI), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 29 July -1 August 2019, pp./page. 262-267. 8. Hudakorn, T., Kitjettanee, Ch., Sritrakul, N., and Jaruyanon, P., (2019), "A Feasibility Study of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) Biogas Network from Water hyacinth at Hin Moon, Bang Len, Nakhon Pathom Province." 2019 7th International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON). Prachuap Khiri Khan Thailand. 6 March 2019 - 8 March 2019. /pages. 1-4. 9. Sritrakul, N., Santhadkha, T., Hudakorn, T., and Jaruyanon, P., (2019), "Feasibility Study of an Electric Shuttle Bus in Silpakorn University, Sanam Chandra Palace Campus." 2019 7th International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON). Prachuap Khiri Khan Thailand. 6 March 2019 - 8 March 2019. /pages 1-4. 10. Santhadkha, T., Hudakorn, T., and Sritrakul, N., (2018), "Biogas Production from Wastewater of Yeast Fermentation with Microorganism under Mesophilic Condition", The 10th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Well-Being (STISWB 2018), Vientiane, Lao PDR, 11-13 July 2018, pp./page. 465-469. 11. Krisangsri, P., Hudakorn, T., and Sritrakul, N., (2018), "Using closed loop oscillating heat pipe for cooling battery in charging process", The 10th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Well-Being (STISWB 2018), Vientiane, Lao PDR, 11-13 July 2018, pp./page. 470-474. 12. Kitjettanee, C., and Hudakorn, T., (2018), "Biogas Production from Water Hyacinth Leaf and Petiole co-digestion with Microorganism under Mesophilic Condition", The 10th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Well-Being (STISWB 2018), Vientiane, Lao PDR, 11-13 July 2018, pp./page. 475-479. 13. Panthai, A., Hudakorn, T., and Jaruyanon, P., (2018), "A review of themochemical heat storage", The 10th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Well-Being (STISWB 2018), Vientiane, Lao PDR, 11-13 July 2018, pp./page. 480-485. 14. Kitjettanee, C., and Hudakorn, T., (2017), “Effect of Water Hyacinth and Pig Manure on the Biogas Production” The 9th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Well-Being (STISWB IX), 26-28 June 2017, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China. Paper No. SCI044, pp./page. 623-628. 15. Sritrakul, N., and Hudakorn, T., (2017), “Biomass Pellet Production by Using Typha angustifolia as Raw Materials” The 9th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Well-Being (STISWB IX), 26-28 June, 2017, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China. Paper No. SCI042, pp./page. 617-622. 16. Sritrakul, N., and Hudakorn, T., (2016), “CFD Analysis of Thai-made Axial Flow Low-lift Pump”, The 7th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 13-16 December 2016. |